21 Awesome Facebook Facts and Statistics You Need To Check Out

21 Awesome Facebook Facts and Statistics You Need To Check Out

In the Facebook ecosystem there are apps and apps.  From messaging apps including WhatsApp and Messenger, to visual apps like Instagram and even Occulus. Occulus is the virtual reality technology that Facebook bought for $2 billion just over 12 months ago.
Their numbers are also large by any measure.
  • Instagram with 300 million+ users
  • WhatsApp with 700 million
  • Facebook messenger has 600 million users
Facebook ecosystem
Source: Digitallyapproved.com
These three are still to be monetized with ads and the potential earnings of this Facebook ecosystem is staggering with $12.47 billion revenue alone just from Facebook in 2014.
So watch that space over the next 5-10 years.

The latest Facebook facts and statistics

Here are some fascinating numbers on a range of Facebook facts and metrics from mobile, revenue and a host of other facts to share in your presentations and wow your next dinner party guests.
  1. Every second there are 20,000 people on Facebook. This means in just 18 minutes there are 11 million users on Facebook
  2. On average there are 486,183 users a minute accessing Facebook from their mobile
  3. 79% of all users are accessing Facebook from their mobile.
  4. There are 745 million daily mobile users
  5. Facebook is adding 7,246 people every 15 minutes or 8 per second
  6. Every minute there are 150,000 messages sent
  7. Every 15 minutes there are over 49 million posts. To be precise 49,433,000 or 3 million posts per minute
  8. There are 100,000 friend requests every 10 minutes
  9. There are 500,000 Facebook “likes” every minute
  10. Facebook generates $1.4 million in revenue every hour
  11. Nearly  73% of Facebook’s ad revenue comes from mobile advertising
  12. Facebook earns $2.5 billion a quarter from mobile advertising
  13. People share 1.3 million pieces of content on Facebook every minute of every day
  14. In November of 2014the number of video uploads to Facebook exceeded YouTube video uploads according to Social Bakers
  15. Facebook generated $12.47 billion in sales in 2014 (a rise of 58% year on year)
  16. Photo uploads are 350 million per day
  17. Users spend 21 minutes per day on average on Facebook
  18. 31% of US senior citizens are on Facebook
  19. 66% of all millennials (15-34 year olds) use Facebook
  20. People spend 927 million hours a month playing Facebook games
  21. There are 1 billion mobile app links enabled on Facebook
Sources: Buddyloans.com, Fortune.com, Socialbakers.com, Techcrunch.com, Expanded Ramblings, Zephoria.com

9 Facts About Green Eyes

9 Facts About Green Eyes

Brown, Blue, Hazel, Grey, Green. These are just a few of the eye color shades which we see humans or animals possessing. Sometimes, the color of your eye can be due to your genes or genetic reasons as well. The color green, however, has some rather interesting facts associated with it.

  1. According to research, it is said that green eyes have existed from the Bronze Age Era, which means that they have been around for thousands of years. This color is most commonly found in Europeans. It is also said that Europeans with green eyes are usually considered to be of German or Celtic descent.
  2. During primitive times, it was believed that people with green eyes were evil. Having green eyes and fiery red hair had also become grounds for declaring a woman to be a witch. This lethal combination had resulted in putting such women on to the death penalty.
  3. Green eyes are found to be rather rare worldwide and so they are often considered to be quite mysterious. This eye color also associates itself with unique personality traits in people, such as intelligence, curiosity, and mischievousness.
  4. Although rare generally, green eyes are especially rare amongst the African and Asian race. However, a village in Western China has many individuals with green eyes and blonde hair. This is believed to be due to the Roman army settlement during ancient times. DNA testings revealed that these people had Caucasian origins, thus they were found with this rare occurrence.
  5. Scientifically speaking, in order for a person to have green eyes, they must have a yellow colored stroma. This yellow stroma appears green due to the Rayleigh scattering. This is studied to be a principle which makes the sky blue. So as per to basic color theory, blue and yellow, makes green.
  6. One of the most commonly known attributes to eye colors is what we call, Melanin. There are two different types. There is a black melanin and a yellow melanin. Any eye without melanin will be blue, however green eyes are caused because of low levels of black melanin and high levels of the yellow one.
  7. Green eyes do not appear immediately and are often said to take several months to appear. Babies who grow up to have green eyes are born with grey or blue eyes initially.  The changes in the eye color occur after 6 months of age and can actually continue to change during the course of several years.
  8. According to medical science, people with light colored eyes such as blue, green or grey have a higher risk of eye cancer. Especially, Intraocular Melanoma.
  9. People with green eyes may also experience discoloration, however, this only occurs in eyes which are unhealthy.
Although rare, green eyes are found to be rather catchy especially when enhanced with the help of makeup! Some of the world’s most popular celebrities have been blessed to be possessed with this beautiful color. For instance, Channing Tatum, Lindsay Lohan, Adele, Emma Stone, Angelina Jolie and several others.

Ever Wondered Why Do Olympians Bite Their Medals ?

 Ever Wondered Why Do Olympians Bite Their Medals ?

Olympics is the greatest sporting event in the world and players consider themselves fortunate if they get qualified to play for their country.

10 Things Science Has Got Totally Wrong!

10 Things Science Has Got Totally Wrong!

The world of science is constantly changing based on new discoveries, and sometimes means that what we thought was right was incorrect. Right from our childhood, we are taught or made aware of loads of scientific facts whether it be formally or informally. All those facts, things are believed to be true and the people doesn’t question them, the idea is reinforced by the common sharing of the people.

As time progresses, the science and technology progresses, the scientists use new methods to validate those facts, find if they are true. In this list, we’ll take a look at things, the so called“facts” that we always believed to be true. What science says about them and what they really are.

So Here are 10 things that science has got wrong.

1. Bulls Get Angry After Seeing Red

You know it was a common belief that bulls get angry whenever they see anything red. This has been the belief for centuries, all thanks to the matador and other studies, Science had us believing that bulls got angry when they saw red, and this belief became very popular on the television and other mainstream media. However, as animal biology advanced and progressed, we came to know about the fact that bulls are actually colorblind. So, why do they get angry after seeing a waving red cloth? Actually it’s the movement of the red cape which agitates them.

2. Hair And Nails Keep Growing After Death

For many generations, people believed that even after death the hair and fingernails of a human body continue to grow long. It was believed that the follicles keep creating new cells. But it’s totally wrong, once a human body dies, the process of decomposition of the cells begin. Due to dehydration of the skin on a corpse, the nails and hair are pulled back which gives the appearance that the hair and nails look are growing.

3. Lightning Doesn’t Strike The Same Place Twice!

All thanks to meteorologists and the weatherman on the news, we mistakenly believed that lightning never strike the same place twice. But when the scientists studied the weather phenomenons in-depth, they realized that lightning can strike the same spot twice, even several times. This is because the lightning aims to find the fastest path to the ground, so naturally tall buildings, trees, and similar structures are at the greater risk of getting struck by the lightning. It’s inevitable.

4. You Must Drink 8 Glasses Of Water A Day

You might have heard Doctors, fitness trainers and even scientists telling the public to drink enough water, we have been told to drink 8 glasses of water in a day. It’s a good habit to drink more water, but it’s an overly generalized rule. Our bodies get the required water from food content, from beverages we drink like tea, fruit juice. Also human bodies are different, therefore everyone has different requirements. While one person may need only a few glasses, the other who works out for hours may need many glasses. Your water need depends on the activities you’re performing, your environment, it’s temperature and many other variables.

5. Pruning Of Fingers From Water

When we swim in the poll or spend a long time in the shower, we have seen our fingers and toes begin to prune. Early it was believed that this wrinkling helps in maintaining the grip on our fingers and toes, if we need to k happened so that we can still maintain the grip on our fingers and toes in wet areas or if we needed to climb out. But a recent study showed that the swelling is because the human body narrows the blood vessels by contracting their muscle walls, this results in the wrinkled appearance.

6. Accidentally Swallowing A Gum

You might remember hearing in the school that if you accidentally swallow a gum, it will take 7 years to digest it. A gum sitting in our stomach for 7 years is scary. But it’s not true. This is a true fact that our body cannot digest a gum. Since gum being indigestible as insoluble fiber, it passes through our digestive system and it comes out when you poop.

7. Having Only Five Senses

We all grew up believing that we only have five senses; touch, smell, hearing, seeing, and tasting. It was all based on science that humans have five senses. But modern research of science has been able to break down the five basic categories and there are more senses. Scientists have determined that we have up to 20 senses including temperature, pressure, balance and a lot more.

8. Drinking Alcohol Warms You Up!

Alcohol consumption is never healthy. What despite what your parents and friends have told you, the good news for the drinkers is that drinking alcohol doesn’t kill your brain cells. But the bad news is that alcohol still damages your body, although it’s not by killing your cells. There’s a belief that alcohol makes you feel warmer if you’re out in the cold. But it’s not true, actually drinking booze expands your blood vessels, and this brings a higher quantity of warm blood to near-surface cold skin skin. But by doing this, you’re countering your body’s natural heating protocol. And this ultimately lowers the temperature of your body by the heat transfer.

9. Goldfish Only Has A Memory Of 5 Seconds

Your pet goldfish has a much better memory than you think. Earlier science said that a goldfish’s memory doesn’t last more than a few seconds. But according to a latest research According to research at Plymouth University, goldfish have a memory span of up to three months. And goldfish can even tell the time. They are more smart than you think.

10. The Great Wall Of China Is Visible From Moon

One of the mankind’s greatest achievements ‘The Great Wall of China’ was earlier believed to be visible from the moon, but this fact is wrong. It is not even visible from the low Earth orbit like where many Space Stations lies. The true fact is that you can only see lights on the earth surface from the moon.

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9 Fun Facts About The Moon

9 Fun Facts About The Moon

Here on planet earth, the moon is something of a superstar. After all, some planets have more than one moon, like Jupiter, which has at least 16 moons! Imagine looking up into the night sky and seeing four or five moons. It would be an extraordinary sight here on earth, but on other planets, it’s probably just another normal night. Our moon certainly gets its share of attention considering that songs have been written about it, it’s been used in countless movie and book titles, and some people even believe there are magical powers associated with it. There may be no real way to prove whether the moon has anything to do with magical powers, but here are 9 facts we can be reasonably certain about.

1. Moonwalkers

A total of 12 human beings have walked on the moon, the most famous being Neil Armstrong who took that “giant leap for mankind” way back in 1969. Whether or not anyone else will ever step foot on the lunar surface again is uncertain, but there are countries that are reportedly working on space missions to the moon again.

2. Unfriendly atmosphere

Other than the fact that there is no oxygen on the moon for us to breathe, the moon is rather inhospitable in other ways as well. The temperature swings are pretty extreme compared to what we are accustomed to. The temperature on the moon can get as hot as 260 degrees Fahrenheit and as cold as -280 degrees Fahrenheit

3. Always on time

Like most things floating up there in space, the moon is pretty punctual. Most people know that it takes a month to complete an orbit around the earth, but that’s playing a bit loose with the numbers. It actually takes the moon 27 days to complete one full orbit of the earth.

4. A moon by any other name…

Obviously, a full moon is what gets the most attention from observers here on earth. So much so that each full moon of the year has its own name. There’s the Strawberry Moon in June, the Thunder Moon in July, the Sturgeon Moon in August, and the Harvest Moon in September, to name just a few.

5. Sorry, no water here

It can be a bit confusing to hear someone make reference to a place on the moon called “The Sea of Tranquility,” since almost everyone knows there is no water on the moon. There is ice on the moon that may have been left there by comets that passed by, but no liquid water. The “sea” name first came about when Galileo studied the moon with the first telescope, and certain areas looked like bodies of water to him. Although they are sometimes inaccurate, names have a way of sticking around.

6. No floating

Sometimes people believe that you can simply float around or fly as you please on the moon. It doesn’t have quite the gravitational pull that the much-larger earth does, but it still has enough to keep things well-grounded. Due to this size difference, things on the moon will weigh about one-sixth of what they weigh here on planet earth.

7. Not perfect

Although the moon may look like a perfect circle when gazing up at a full moon, it really isn’t a perfect sphere at all. The moon is actually somewhat egg-shaped, but since it is the rounded end we see here on earth, it certainly appears to be perfectly symmetrical

8. One size fits all

People often notice that the moon looks much larger when it is first coming up, but the only reason for that is an optical illusion. The moon is always the same size, and it’s just our eyes playing tricks on us that make it look larger when it is close to the horizon.

 9. Weather report

Despite a name that brings space-related things to mind, there would be no work for meteorologists on the moon because there is no weather. Without an atmosphere, the moon is pretty much the same all of the time. There are no clouds, rain, snow or storms on the moon.

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5 Myths About Charging Phones That All Say #InMeFacts

5 Myths About Charging Phones

Collections Of Top 5 Myths About Phone Charging That Most Of Us Have Been Following.
Here are the top five myths about charging phones that have been totally false – /

  1. MYTH– Different chargers will destroy the battery
Truth- Different chargers work fine as long as they are not replicas
Different chargers are going to charge your Android device at different rates, and some broken chargers might not be charging your device as quickly as they claim they can. If you've ever run into issues charging your device, or you'd just like to test out how effective your charger is, read on. Today, we're going…: Android Device
Image Credit: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/277323289530491479/
People claim that using different chargers for different phones will affect the battery of the phone. Now this is nothing but a myth. Different chargers work just as fine as the original charger. The performance may not be optimum, but it will charge fine without damaging the battery. The problem is using knockoff chargers. Those things can and does damage the batteries.
  1. MYTH– Charging all night will kill your battery
Truth– Your battery knows when to stop.
3D Batteries, Wired, nanotech: To, Σας Πιο, Phones Batteri, Κόλπο Για, Κινητό Σας, Μικρό Κόλπο, Ένα Μικρό, Πιο Γρήγορα, Mobiles Phones
Image Credit: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/400679698067482202/
The myth about charging overnight is a common one. People think that charging all throughout the night will damage and eventually kill the battery. The truth is that your batteries are equipped to take the overnight charging. Once it reaches maximum charge, it stops charging altogether. This means that the battery isn’t even in use at all. However, that does not mean you will charge your phone all night every day. Keeping the phone charged between 40% to 80% will allow your battery to last longer.
  1. MYTH – Shouldn’t use the phone while it is charging
Truth- Using it is fine as long as the chargers are original.
The 15' Comfortable Reach Charger - This is the three-device USB charger with an extra-long 15' cord, which allows for comfortable use while recharging devices via an outlet across the room. - Hammacher Schlemmer: Gadgets, Usb Chargers, Usb Extended, Reach Chargers, Comforters Reach, Hammacher Schlemmer, Three Devices Usb, Lifehub Usb, Extended Reach
Image Credit: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/56928382764031328/
There are legit concerns over this charging myth. People believe that if you use the phone while it is charging then the phone will explode. Some say that you can be electrocuted if you are using it while the charger is on. There have been a few incidents where the phone did explode. However in all of those cases, the user was charging their phones with fake charges. Those things can be deadly. If you are using the manufacturer approved charges then there are no risks of the phone exploding. So you can use it as much as you want.
  1. MYTH- Never turn off your phone.
Truth- Turning off the phone helps the battery.
Most Vital Reasons- Why you Have to Turn off Your Smartphone for Some Time: Fall Asleep, Young Adult, Texts Messages, Night Time, Bedside Tables, Smartphone, Blog, Sleeptext, Call Sleep Texts
Image Credit: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/533395149589901881/
Everything has its limits even if the thing in question is a phone. Turning off your phone every once in a while helps the battery life. According to an Apple expert, turning off your phone from time to time will maximize the battery life. So if you are somebody who is always on the phone, it is advisable that you turn off your phone at night to get the best out of your battery.
  1. MYTH- Charge your phone only when it is completely dead.
Truth- Frequent charging is better than deep charging.
Let this device change your world and charge your phone in 30 seconds. #phonehacks #phonetips #iphonetips: Newest Technology, Batteri Beta, Batteri Issues, 30 Second I, Coolio Techi, Tech Stuff, Bit Techi, Baby Showers, Phones Charging
Image Credit: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/239746380137806596/
The idea that your phone should be charged only when it is completely drained is actually wrong. If you constantly let your batteries drain till 0% then the battery becomes somewhat unstable. So it is better to charge your phone every now and then.
BONUS FACT – Heat will destroy your battery.
There is no denying the fact that heating will damage your battery. Lithium-ion batteries heat up as you charge them. So if you place them near a hot surface then chances are that they will be damaged. Similarly, cold temperatures also affect the batteries. Cold batteries die quicker in low temperatures.

Cover Pic < Source > – http://www.mobile-application-developer.com/images/charging-iphone.jpg

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75 Amazing Facts About Human Body #InMeFacts

Well Every New Fact About Our Body Amaze Us 😲.
There Thousands Of Hidden Facts About Our Body Too.
So Today,We Gonna Tell You Some Most Amazing Facts About Our Body. Hapy Facts Reading ^_^
• The largest organ in the body is the skin.
• The liver is the largest gland and the largest internal organ in the human body.
• The brain uses over a quarter of the oxygen used by the human body.
• Our heart beats around 100000 times a day, 36500000 times a year and over a billion times if you live beyond 30.
• Length of thumb is the same with nose.
• Red blood cells carry oxygen around the body. They are created inside the bone marrow.
• It takes about 20 seconds for a red blood cell to circle the whole body.
• The biggest muscle in the body is gluteus maximus, in the buttock.
• The lungs contain over 300,000 million capillaries. If they were laid end to end, they would stretch 2400km.
• Every drop of blood in human body is filtered by the body over 300 times a day.
• The ovum is the largest cell in the human body.
• The smallest is the male sperm cell; it is one-tenth of the diameter of a human hair.
• Adult lungs have a surface area of around 70 square meters.
• The stapes is the smallest bone in the body. It’s located in the inner ear.
• The acid in stomach is strong enough to dissolve razor blades.
• Nose and Ears continue growing throughout entire life.
• Each person has a unique tongue print just like the fingerprints.
• The longest muscle in the body is Sartorius.
• The smallest muscle in the body is Stapedius, deep in the ear. It is thinner than a thread and 0.05 inches (0.127 centimeters) in length.
• Enamel is hardest substance in the human body.
• All babies are color blind when they are born, they only see black & white.
• The tongue is the strongest muscle in the human body.
• It takes 17 muscles to smile and 43 to frown.
• The adult body is made up of: 100 trillion cells, 206 bones, 600 muscles, and 22 internal organs.
• Bones in an adult account for 14% of the body’s total weight.
• A baby born with 300 bones in their body, but as an adult we have 206 bones.
• 200 muscles used to take one step.
• The strongest bone in your body is the femur (thighbone) and it’s hollow. It is also the longest and largest bone in Human body.
• The normal pulse is 70 heartbeats per minute.
• Blood is 6 times thicker than water.
• Facial hair grows faster than any other hair on the body.
• Our kidneys filter about 1.3 liters of blood every minute & expel up to 1.4 liters of urine in a day.
• The only part of the body without blood supply is the cornea in the eye. It takes in oxygen directly from the air.
• An average human produces 10,000 gallons of saliva in a lifetime.
• The fastest growing nail is on the middle finger.
• 14 bones make up the human face.
• The human heart creates enough pressure while pumping to squirt blood to 30 feet.
• The tooth is the only part of the human body that can’t repair itself